
Our operations are focused on controlling every part of the supply chain, ensuring our high standards are always achieved.

A superior approach to land management

We establish our plantations on high-quality land that meets strict location and environmental criteria.

We constantly monitor the plantations to ensure they’re growing at optimum rates. Leaf and soil sampling, weed and pest control regimes, fertiliser application – we leave no stone unturned to ensure the trees are healthy and growing strong.

With a thorough planning process that includes consultation with government authorities and key stakeholders, we approach harvest with a clear strategy. A strategy that always considers operational requirements and community expectations.

Balancing nature and progress at every step

Selective breeding

We selectively develop the best, specialised genotypes in our seed orchards for future breeding and deployment.

We prioritise factors like growth, density, pulp yield and disease tolerance to fit specific plantation zones. Because we know how important each zone’s soil, environmental characteristics and future climate variability are to our product and future yield.

WA - Land - Seed Orchard
Ross A Rob W


Our silviculture methods for site re-establishment involve: 

  • Stump spraying
  • Spreading slash for nutrient retention
  • Preparing access rows for weed control and fertiliser application

We ensure harvest residues are evenly distributed before cultivation work to maximise our plantable area and water retention onsite.

We also carry out pre-plant weed control to ensure trees access the nutrients and moisture they need. Maintenance methods, such as weed and insect treatment and soil sampling, then help determine our fertiliser needs.


We employ 2 main harvesting methods at ABP:

  • Traditional infield chip operation (IFC): Harvested trees are processed into chips directly in the field, rather than at a mill.
  • Cut-to-length (CLT) system: Trees are processed at the stump, cut to specific lengths and loaded onto a log truck for transport to a static chip mill. 

Both processes end with the chips being loaded into a truck and transported to our ports for export.


Koala program

ABP is committed to zero harm for koalas in our plantations. To meet that commitment, we use expert spotters in koala zones during harvest to ensure we leave habitat trees standing.

We also collaborate with the Victorian Government under Koala Management Plans to ensure safe and sustainable forestry operations.

Sustainable practices

We’re committed to conserving and protecting our environment and its cultural heritage.

We implement a ‘best practice’ approach into all our policies, aiming to have as little impact on the environment as possible – unless it’s a positive one.

We do this by:

  • Conserving soil from erosion
  • Providing corridors and other protections for wildlife
  • Protecting and restoring remnant vegetation and habitats
  • Protecting areas of cultural and heritage value
  • Storing atmospheric carbon
Want to learn more about our operations? Get in touch today!